RYA yacht training courses for sail and power boats in the Greek Islands

Required pre-course experience
16 hours
Corfu Sea School ICC Theory course
We designed this course for anyone preparing for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) practical test for power or sail. It contains lessons and exercises on all of the navigation and safety elements you will be tested on. Fully narrated and animated lectures explain each element in detail.
Course Content
- Nautical Charts
- The Compass
- Expressing Position
- Measuring Direction & Distance
- Position Fixing
- Tidal Height
- Tidal Stream
- The Rules of the Road
- Lights and Shapes
- The International Buoyage System
- Safety at Sea
- Electronic Navigation
- Pilotage
- Passage Planning
Certificate awarded: Corfu Sea School ICC Theory certificate
Price includes all online tuition and Greek VAT at the appropriate rate.